Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

German nurse Kayla is visiting a friend in the USA when a group of Marines in training literally fall out of the sky at her feet. Captain Wayne Turner draws her into a whirlwind of emotions, more confusing than the wind created by the helicopter he dropped out of.
After a stormy night of passion, she comes face to face with his ex-wife and runs off. But then Wayne’s best friend Dale finds her and asks her to help him to prove Wayne’s innocence after his arrest. Kayla helps, but it takes an old man and a hard look at herself for her to consider giving Wayne a second chance.
Can he regain her trust?
The Book's Creation
One day, while I was visiting a close friend in the UK and during one of our chats, she told me about what happened to a friend of hers. At the time, said friend lived in an apartment in a council estate and the family was sitting on the balcony overlooking the rather large inner courtyard of the complex when suddenly there was some noise overhead. Looking up, they saw a helicopter from the Royal Navy and them some men repelled out of it in full armour. Apparently, it was a training exercise.
This story didn’t leave my mind for years. Another friend of mine who lives in the South of the United States invited my children and me to visit her. She told me a bit about what her garden and house looked like and how there was a green in the town’s centre that she liked very much.
At once, my mind fused the two things, setting a US Marine training operation in the middle of a Southern small town. And right on the green sat the female protagonist with some friends holding a spiritual drum circle.
Combine this with the Weather Girls’ song “It’s raining men” and you have the perfect setting for a new, incredibly exciting romance. I mean really, how much better can it be than having the tough warrior love of your life falling from the sky, directly at your feet – quite literally?
Needless to say, I was on fire, writing the story, weaving an old combat veteran into it who functions as the guardian angel in the book and the male protagonist’s best friend who is as loyal as he is scared of intimacy.
The police get involved and prejudices are addressed. Hearts heal and challenges are overcome. There is a lot going on, including an explanation given why it is the man’s job to take out the trash.
I had a lot of fun writing this story and when it was finally finished, I was so happy, I felt like I had really levelled up. It was my fourth romance novel and for all this, it is still very dear to me and holds a special place in my heart. I love the fact that my two friends are also woven into the story and having inadvertently given me the initial spark of inspiration for this book.
It was a lovely sunny day and Kayla sat on a lawn in the middle of a small US town in Louisiana, near New Orleans, where she was visiting a close friend she’d first acquainted on a spiritual internet community. She had saved up for some time to fly over from Germany to make this visit possible.
Now thirteen people sat in a drumming circle, beating their various drums. The fact that they were thirteen didn’t have any ritual meaning. It just so happened that this number of friends, including Kayla, had found together on this occasion.
Owing to the fact that two of the participants sat in wheelchairs and were unable to make it to Kayla’s friend’s house, they’d all decided to move the event to the town centre’s green instead of holding it in Pearl’s large, beautiful garden.
They were drumming and chanting when suddenly their beats and voices were drowned out by the deafening noise of a helicopter’s fast-spinning rotor blades. Everyone looked up.
“Kayla, didn’t you say this morning when we skyped with Asia in London that you wanted to meet a US Marine and she told you about her friend in London sitting on the balcony and some UK Navy people fast-roped down into the green in front of their eyes and that it wouldn’t surprise her if the same happened to you here with a US Marine landing in the garden for you?” Pearl asked with a grin on her face.
“Yes…” Kayla gasped.
A Black Hawk hovered overhead, a US military helicopter from which ropes were thrown down next and men in full combat uniforms started to descend from them.
“Pick one!” Alex called and took his hands off the armrests of his wheelchair to offer the Marines in a sweeping gesture to Kayla. This was accompanied by a big, naughty grin on his face.


Reviews for Chopped Encounter
That shit is HOT in capitals!
I am reading this author's books in chronological order to be able to follow her progress as a writer as well and I have to say, she is great in making her total lack of military matters uninteresting and besides the point. Lol.
It's not about that, anyway. It's about the lovestory, the interpersonal relationships and the show of strong characters. And in this, she aces it. Chopped Encounter has made me laugh out loud in the very beginning when a Marine practically falls in her lap. Well, not far off. And I admit, when the female protagonist washes her man's head about being sexist and having double standards, it made me reflect on my own. I always thought myself to be an enlightened, modern man, but I have to admit in a couple of minor points I had to admit to myself that I am not wholly perfect in that respect, either. So this book is also educational and holds up a mirror.
And then they get into bed and daaaayyyuuummmmnnn!!!! That sh*t is HOT in capitals! 5 stars for those scenes alone from me. But it's not only an erotic read, it is so much more. It is facing death, your inner demons, reflections on friendship and true love and challenges you necessarily encounter in daily life as a married couple, too. Great read with so many layers!
Tuari Eagleswing, Reader
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Hallelujah indeed!
Just to imagine a Marine, Captain Wayne Turner, falling from the sky like a raindrops into my lap... And it gets better after that! He doesn't mind that Kayla is in the middle of a New Ager spiritual drumming circle session.
The two hit it off from the start, but then the past catches up on many levels and it takes a dying veteran and a paranoid best friend to sort it all out. But seriously, some of the hottest scenes I have read without being cheap and sleazy. Tirza Schaefer has a way of making the kinkiest scenes sound empowering and freeing because with all the heat and kink, she doesn't see the need to use derogatory and negative words, such as c**t, wh**e, sl*t and the like which usually other authors use that write very explicit kinky scenes.
It's all a matter of your mindset and I love how Schaefer expresses herself without losing any of the steam and kink in the process, but rather adding to it. And moreover, Tirza wouldn't be herself, if she didn't weave something very profound into the story, a dying old man and how to handle being there for a loved one while passing over without distressing yourself or them, but rather, allowing it to be an empowering, liberating and deeply loving and healing process.
Yes, and again, she writes it in such a way that it works perfectly. At the end of the day, that's what this book is all about: love on all levels, all areas of life. But read it for yourself! It's beautiful!
E. Bennett, Reader
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A true page-turner with great use of vocabulary and expression.
I enjoyed reading this book. This is excellent and do not hesitate to purchase.
A true page-turner for sure.
The story is perfect for a screenplay too.
Joyful, Reader
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Cute BDSM read.
This was a nice, quick read. Pleasant with some BDSM. Does involve insta-love.
Kindle-Kunde, Reader
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The story is VERY hot, while its sweetness will sweep you off your feet!
What you've got here in "Chopped Encounter" is Tirza Schaefer and lawd have mercy, this is a hothothothot story! I fell in love with all the characters in only the first FOUR pages (prologue). This is how romantic erotica SHOULD be written, and Schaefer is clearly a pro. The pace of the story is excellent, there are no cliches, and the relationship between uber-stud US Marine Captain Wayne Turner, and the lovely and gorgeous German nurse, Kayla, is very sweet and romantic. And sexy. And hot. And...wow. Ultimately, the lead character, Wayne, is so damned hot that you'll want to push Kayla off the pages and crawl into the story and have sex with the hot and chivalrous Marine yourself. That's great storytelling. And excellent writing.
There's a ton of heart and feeling in Schaefer's words--it's not just sex on paper, but real feelings to go with it. She clearly knows the secret to romantic erotica: Have men treat women the way you wish they would in real life (aka: not self-absorbed).
The whole point of good erotica is to arouse the reader--that will definitely happen with this story. Often. Read the book. Get hot. Read more of Schaefer's work. Get hotter. You get the idea.
Tina Johnson, Reader​