Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator
A mother has to sign a paper her 8-year-old daughter Tarini brings home from school and from there ensues a conversation about Picasso, a caveman and a swarm of mosquitoes, Lewis Hamilton, the Ancient Romans and how to mix up a cake, all before taking a chill pill.
This entire funny narration by international author Tirza Schaefer leads to your child’s empowerment by learning how life functions, combining sciences and psychology with logic into one whole sensible construct, which is as coherent and understandable as it is empowering.
2021 and there is no end of the lockdown in sight. Speaking to so many other parents, teachers, etc., anyone who has to do with children on a daily basis, I hear how adversely this situation affects so many children and youths. And because of that, especially as many families have been hit hard financially by this pandemic as well, I wanted to give a special gift to the world and those humans in it that are OUR FUTURE! Our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, grandchildren, pupils and students.
This book can be read by children of all school ages and it may also prove to be a beacon of light for some adults as well. Please download the book by clicking on the picture above or the link below and help spread the word by passing it on to all your family, friends and educational institutions. It is non-denominational and based on science and psychology. Thank you and may you enjoy this book and feel empowered by it. And most of all, prepare to giggle!
Much love, Tirza xoxo
The Book's Creation
I’ve always told my children stories when they were small. I even wrote little ones for them some years back, but I never really sat down to write a children’s book. I always thought I’d do it later; one day. And then the day came when my little, then 8-year-old daughter Tarini came home from school and set a discussion in motion. Nothing strange about that. It is what children do. They give you a slip to sign and you end up talking about Picasso and how he makes them a genius.
Good thing, I’ve read enough science and logic based spiritual works and this helped me to explain certain concepts to my daughter during the Picasso discussion which didn’t only include creativity, but also physics and spirituality.
I wrote it down and then some more besides. And suddenly, I held a book in my hands. Well, digitally, of course, but you know what I mean. When I tell a story, I go all out to tell it. And then I had the idea that I would include questions at the end of each chapter for the children or teens to answer for themselves.
As I have three children myself, I know that when you make them laugh, they will remember better and they will be more open to what you tell them. Okay, that’s just an excuse, really, because I love to laugh myself. A lot. Ask Marilyn or my children, or anyone who knows me better in person. So the book is a funny one. Even the questions are half-serious and half-humorous.
Obviously, the content is important. Teaching someone that they are not victims but hold power themselves over their own lives is the most important lesson you can impart on any human being, but especially children. (When you do, it makes for a lot less emotionally immature, traumatised and victimized adults down the line.) In case you still wonder: that’s a very good thing. We want happy people! The more, the better!
Anyway, this is how my first-ever children’s book came about. So although this is the 23rd book I am publishing, I am particularly excited and full of joy about this one, as you can imagine. And my children all had a hand in its creation along the line. Tarini who inspired it first, Tajun, who loves Ancient Rome and the Latin language, as well as helping me choose the hand picture which looks both creative and unique, as a handprint is singular in the whole world, and Tarjani, whose creative talent and sense for beauty helped to perfect the cover.
So here it is, How Picasso Makes You A Genius is now available on Amazon for juveniles, aged 10 – 16.
One day, my then 8-year-old daughter Tarini came home from school and handed me a paper I had to sign. On it, the children had various categories like being kind to their fellow classmates, concentrating and taking part during lessons, helping others, always doing their homework, and so forth. For each category they had given themselves a smiley, either a smiling one, one with a straight mouth or one with a drooping mouth.
My daughter had rated herself mostly with a laughing smiley and only in two categories had chosen those with a straight mouth. As I know, she is very honest and sometimes has a tendency to be overcritical of herself, therefore, I knew this result wasn’t an exaggeration.
Underneath, there was a line for the children to fill in their weekly goal, and Tarini had written hers as being kind and helpful. Underneath that were three options to tick, depending on how the children rated themselves. One was great, one medium and one said that the goal hadn’t been achieved at all. Tarini had ticked off the second and third. This didn’t go in line with her smiley rating of herself, so I asked her why she thought she wasn’t that good.
She told me that she had not been concentrated all the time. She said sometimes she hadn’t done what she was supposed to. Basically, she expected herself to work like a machine, a computer, with the precision of a Swiss clockwork. She forgot that she is a little child. A very bright, intelligent child who is doing great at school and is well-mannered, compassionate and helpful and that no one expects her to never start dreaming or forget something or maybe have a little whisper with her table neighbour. But as long as this wasn’t happening all the time exclusively, and she was doing well overall, it was absolutely fine.
I could see that she wasn’t completely convinced. She still thought she wasn’t perfect enough. She thought she had to be better and she could be better. So I told her the story of Picasso that my mother had told me one day, not too long before this conversation I was having with Tarini. My mother had told the facts of it, but I knew what had driven the great artist and painter to his actions and decisions. So I pulled Tarini onto the couch, took her into my arms and said I wanted to tell her a story...
As this book was free and I love all the adult books by this author, I thought why not? It’s a quick one and the fact that it was described to me as a funny textbook made me curious. Non-denominational? Well, intriguing, I thought. What I got wasn’t what I’d expected. And I’d kind of expected the unexpected because Tirza Schaefer keeps surprising me. This book went right along those lines. This book is probably what you’d call spiritual or metaphysical but it’s for kids. And it describes how things work according to this… I’m not even sure if you can call it science, I’ll leave it to the people who actually know something about it.
It explains how energy works but it’s written in a chatty, fun manner, the kind I believe kids might find funny. Younger kids. But then it’s based on a conversation she had with her then eight-year-old daughter. I’m wondering if that little princess is some sort of genius as I am loathe to think of a kid of my acquaintance (haven’t got any myself) that knows as much about physics as this little one here obviously does. It doesn’t matter, though, it’s well explained.
And to think of it as a textbook… Yes, cos it’s not a fiction narrative. But at the same time, it made me laugh out loud, shake my head and wonder how this woman comes up with all those ideas about explaining things with cavemen, Formula 1, ancient Romans and cake baking. Oh yeah, and it all starts with Picasso. Yeah, THAT Picasso… I’m in awe, to be honest. And now I wonder what kind of people her children are. Either they turned out quite special or maybe she has driven them completely insane? But then she is so loving, which shines through in all of her writing, I would think, it’s the former. Be that as it may, this book is definitely a little gem and totally unique. I loved it and it made me think, too. I think I’ll go out and get some cake now…
Tuari Eagleswing, Reader
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A quick and easy read that will leave you feeling good!
The authors beautiful spirit shines through the pages as she motivates and inspires the reader to challenge themselves and create!
A quick and easy read that will leave you feeling good 😌
Stefanie Nici, Author
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Oh my God, I wish I had had teachers like this mom, the author. She explains how to access your inner superpowers with so much fun that you hardly realize you’re learning something. A lot, in fact. Downright nerdy and you never notice until you really reflect on it. And this is a children’s book. I’m saying this as an adult. I read it to one of the kids in my family and she loved it as much as I did! We had such a giggle and she got right into manifesting what she wanted – and succeeded as well! It had me spooked, I must admit. But children learn so fast, so really, it shouldn’t have. Brilliant work and so empowering and funny and full of great information! All children should read this!
Karen Bennett, Reader
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I loved it. This author's work is incredible. What I found interesting and out of the ordinary was that is not actually a story, but a funny kind of textbook with an explanation of how the world works and how to manifest what you want. Cannot wait to see what more she has in store for us. Definitely worth checking out.
Amanda, Reader
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My kids enjoyed Tirza's children's book and I enjoyed it with them. It‘s so nice to have new ways of telling them how amazing, creative and full of stardust they are! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your heart and light and love and gifts.
Emily J Bell, Tree Chic Eco Boutique
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Teaches your children about how powerful they really are.
There's not many books out there that teach children about their inner super powers, or teaches them about how truly remarkable and awesome they are. This book shows children through fun text and real-life examples about how they are a monumental force of energy and are a super star. It teaches the to trust in what they can do, shows them that if they continue to push themselves and do things that are hard they will eventually push boundaries and become a master, and how everything works as one. I love the stories used to teach this. I had no idea about Picasso and that was a fun read for me. The author has a great voice and she is able to talk about such complex things while making it fun. Each section has a list of questions for the readers to discuss. It makes for great discussions with your kids.
Lyndsay Whitlock, Author