Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

This book is the culmination of author Tirza Schaefer’s works in spiritual poetry. At the same time, the poems map out a very personal journey of self-discovery, self-development and growing out of a mentality of separation and lack to one which is marked by the realization that all is One and that we are all Divine.
This journey of spiritual discovery and greater personal self-fulfilment leads into greater personal empowerment and a shift to self-love where there had previously been all too much self-condemnation. The religious beliefs of having to suffer to be holy and whole were slowly put down in order to embrace a worldview and a deep awareness that happiness is every (not-only-human) BEings birthright.
With Schaefer’s slow gaining of knowledge and wisdom, the reader is able to track the path she had forged, accompanying her step by step into a change of existence that culminates in a blissful awareness and deep happiness that she had never previously thought possible. And thus, the reader is inspired to take this journey with her to find greater insight and courage to face one’s fears and demons in order to emerge victorious in the light of new wisdom and realizations that are as profound as they are life-changing. As Tirza Schaefer says, they are a true “happinator.”
This book is a uniquely personal collection of spiritual encounters and self-development. What makes it so special is the fact that Schaefer does not start at the point where she thinks she knows it all, like so many others before her have done. Instead, she wishes to bring her journey to light, each step of the way, to inspire others to walk with her and gain greater fulfilment and wisdom in their own rights.
Through her sensitive and loving words and total lack of spiritual arrogance, so deeply ingrained in many of today’s spiritual teachers and writers, it is apparent that the author sees life as an ongoing journey where nothing is ever complete but instead invites you to keep on moving forward as a logical consequence of accepting life as a powerful energy that never stops moving and always changes form – the form you give it.
From Reiki to Shamanism, from Wicca to Natural Science, this author has been there, done that, won the t-shirt. And despite the many differing influences in her life, has gained a trust in life and her own existence that is as marvellous as it is beautiful. Something we may all wish to aspire to.
With nearly 50,000 words of poetry, this book is a must-read!
The Book's Creation
It was in 2012 that I published my first poem in a blog on a spiritual website. Comparing myself to Shakespeare (and in my perception failing miserably) didn’t do much to alleviate my being extremely nervous about this. I was asking myself what kind of feedback I was going to get. But as the people on that site were all very loving and accepting, I had plucked up the courage. I thought maybe one or two likes and thank you for sharing might come up before the post would slink back into blissful oblivion.
When I checked the next morning, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were more than just a couple of comments, at least five, and all were very positive, saying my poem was beautiful and it had touched them. I couldn’t get over the fact that I had actually been able to touch someone’s heart with my poetry. My heart was racing and leaping. I decided to post another poem a couple of days later and then another the following week.
I received many positive responses and one person asked me, if I minded if she printed it out to hang on her fridge, so she could read it every morning. Another told me, it had struck a chord in her so deeply, she had cried for two hours and it had been very cleansing and healing.
That website doesn’t exist any longer, but it was the birthplace for my confidence as a writer and it was a place where I made many online friends, a few of which are still with me to this day. One in particular, I actually visit in the UK on a regular basis. She is one of my closest friends and she called me “Shakespeare’s sister” in those early days.
That totally freaked me out, triggering all my fear responses. I thought people would think I was a megalomaniac putting myself on the same level as this world-famous poet whose works have lasted over 400 years. And my writing technique was nothing like his, anyway. When I messaged my friend and asked her about it, telling her Shakespeare was totally out of my league, she said, Shakespeare’s works have survived so long because he touches the hearts of people with his words. And that was something we had in common. I had my own style and I shouldn’t be a copycat, but myself.
As I had received many emotional responses to my poetry, I couldn’t deny the fact that I seemed to be able to touch some hearts, even if I could scarce believe it at the time through all my many layers of insecurity. Some people had actually encouraged me to publish my poetry in book form. My greatest dream in my life at this point had always been to have a book published and for my children to be able to say of their mother that she was a published author. To me, that was then the ultimate life achievement and greatest legacy I could think of to leave behind. One book!
Forward three years to the beginning of 2015. I had a collection of poetry that was large enough to be published in book form, but it took me until then to 1. Work up the courage to put myself out there and 2. Find help with the technical side of things. I had no idea how to format a manuscript for that and when someone gave me the address of a website where such services could be purchased for a reasonable price, that’s what I did.
I created my Amazon author’s account and at the end of March 2015, my first book ever, “Poetry from the Heart” was published, first on Kindle, then a little later as paperback. At the end of 2016, however, I could already see that this format was not going to work for future poetry and I decided to split my collection, which had also already grown substantially in size, as I had been writing so much more, some for clients, but I always kept the copyright to my work, so I was able to include all in a new volume.
I arranged the content not only chronologically as I had done before, but also by topic. Then I took the romantic poetry out and started a separate collection for that, deciding I would publish it when I had 66 poems, as 6 is the card of the Lovers in the Major Arcana of the Tarot and I thought that was a suitable number then.
The new poetry book with over 400 pages of poetry was finally ready for publication and at the same time, I unpublished the first poetry book. I decided on the new title while listening to some beautiful Native American shamanic-meets-new age music. “My Spirit Song: A Spiritual Evolution in Poetic Expression.” The poetry had come from my spirit expressing itself in words and to see my own personal development over the years in my spiritual journey through my own writing was encouraging and empowering. Where I had felt too stagnant before, I looked at these words and saw the flow in my own personal growth.
Thus, “My Spirit Song” was born and it holds the culmination of my poetic work from six years of writing. There are healing poems, messages received from deities, poems about people who have touched my heart at one time or another and random poetry, inspired by experiences at the time. “My Spirit Song” was published in March 2017.
The Beauty of A Rose
(for my beloved daughter Tarjani)
Graceful and delicate
Your beauty reaches up to heaven
Finely chiselled features
Framed by a halo of waves
Cascading down over your shoulders
Your smile is that
Of a blossoming rose
Graceful, opulent
Radiant and bright
And oh, those moments
When your arms encircle me
In a tender loving gesture
Of deepest affection and trust
Smaller children adore you
You only need to cast one smile
And they flock around your legs
Gravitating towards
The pull of love
That was only meant for them
To grow, to trust
To learn, to play
When music plays
Your body moves
Jiggles, weaves
Hops and spins
To the rhythm of that primeval drum
Which beats to the breath of life
Your movement
In perfect synchronicity
With life’s rhythm
Accelerates my pulse
As my heart expands
In wondrous love
At the beauty of your flow
Such is your beauty
Inside and out
Like a flourishing rose
Growing into maturity
In summer’s sunlight
Delicate yet strong
Gentle yet radiant
Flamboyant yet humble
Loving and intelligent
Do you know how much I adore you?
Do you really deeply listen
To the whispers of your own heart?
Are you truly aware
Of your own innate divine glory
In its entirety
In its whole power?
You have got the strongest foundation
To catapult yourself off from
To fly amongst the stars
To soar towards the sun
Your own glorious power
And the love of your mother
(14 August 2015)


Reviews for My Spirit Song
... & world as I turn the pages of this beautifully written book of reflections & poems
I am so enthralled by & transported to a glimpse of Tirza's life & world as I turn the pages of this beautifully written book of reflections & poems. I feel as though I am somehow right there as she experiences her day to day life & the many enlightening days & moments of this interesting & beautiful life. I enjoy the positivity & hope that fills the pages. This lovely soul manages to put down in words all she loves & values in her life. The tributes to her children & other loved ones is heartfelt & an honest & beautiful tribute to those concerned. Her poems are a testament of a life well lived & one that is continuing to expand & develop day by day.. Congratulations Ms Schaefer :) a brilliant work of words <3
Amazon Customer, Reader
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Beautifully Written
This author is as versatile and multi-talented as the variety of her books suggests. The poetry is spiritual, personal, intimate and full of wisdom, love and compassion. A few have moved me to tears and I experienced some deep healing, even though I wouldn’t call myself necessarily esoteric-inclined. But this work really blew my mind – and with it, my heart wide open. What I loved is that the author doesn’t come across as a know-it-all or holier-than-thou. She is human and humane. You can feel the kindness in her heart exude from every page. Just wow!
Karen Bennett, Reader
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The poems were beautifully structured and well thought out. This book was extremely well written. I will definitely want to one click future releases from this author. So beautiful, hard hitting words that truly express their emotions. The author has a beautiful way with words and expresses them so eloquently. I really could not put it down. I must admit I really enjoyed reading it and I highly recommend it.
The poems make you feel every emotion possible.
Will definitely recommend to all friends and family.
Amanda, Reader
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Soul moving & spirit melting!
"My Spirit Song" by Tirza Schaefer is exactly what the title says: a beautiful song of a joyous spirit, growing into an ever more enlightened, peaceful and happy awareness of life and the oneness that we all are. This book is as inspirational and encouraging as it is deeply personal and autobiographic. An emotional stripping down to the core of Schaefer's being, this book is a testimony to her true nature of abundant and all-encompassing love and empathy. Easily the most beautiful spiritual poetry book I have ever read!
Sekhmet, Reader​
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This is the last of the author's published books to date I am reading. Frankly, I am not the most spiritual person and I kind of procrastinated on this, even though I am a great fan of this author. However, now that I've read it, I wonder why I was so afraid of being bored. She never bored me before. And this time, I was more than a little surprised.
Let's start with the structure. The poetry is sorted by topic but the "Various" section is by far the largest (the others being "Beautiful Souls" and "Deities"). Within, the poetry is sorted in chronological order, which is particularly interesting because it clearly shows the author's progress in her spiritual worldview from being rather religious to what she calls "oneness", which basically means that humans are gods and gods are a part of us and we have the power within us, rather than having to pray to some external deity for favours).
The poetry itself is varied and beautiful, ranging from deep to happy and light, from hopeful to empowering. And there is much wisdom to be found without ever having the feeling, the author is standing in front of you with a finger held up and lecturing you. It feels more like guidance and explanations and at other times, the pure of life shines from every word. Some poetry rhymes, but sometimes it does not. However, it never fails to touch you, makes you think and gives you a positive feeling. Often, it gives you a new perspective on things you never thought to question.
So my recommendation is for you to put your preconceived of religion and/or spirituality aside and just enjoy this book for what it is. A collection of poetry that will touch your mind, heart and soul.
Tuari Eagleswing, Reader
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I have read many of Ms. Schaefer's work and this is absolutely beautiful, personal, moving, and artistic writing. I love how she takes on a journey of her life, shares her insight and fills you with love in each word she imparts to the reader. Thank you so much for this, I am so enjoying this book, it really is royal poetry. (I bought this on my travels, but I had to write the review here as well.) Just Received the book..had to get.
Joyful, Reader
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I have read many of Ms. Schaefer's work and this is absolutely beautiful, personal, moving, and artistic writing. I love how she takes you on a journey of her life, shares her insight and fills you with love in each word she imparts to the reader. Thank you so much for this, I am so enjoying this book, it really is royal poetry.
Mr 504, Reader