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Congratulations to Kim!

Writer: Tirza SchaeferTirza Schaefer

Hello my beautiful souls!

I am so super proud of Kim Eisman, my dear friend, the Tarot reader I go to when I need someone else to read for me (because sometimes we're just blocked when it concerns our own issues, especially when there are a lot of emotions involved) whom I initiated into the 3rd degree, Master Teacher in Usui Reiki on the 22nd of November. 22 & 11 are both master numbers, so it was a very auspicious date, even though neither one of us thought about it when we moved the appointment to that day, as Kim was sick on the date we had first scheduled. Everything happens for a reason, right?

I had prepared my altar with many elaborate decorations, candles, crystals, etc. You know me, I love to create elaborate altars for special rituals and occasions. It helps me focus and get into the zone. Is it necessary in general? Totally not. Reiki Grandmaster William Lee Rand was initiated on the side of the road and quite literally left in the dust if I remember the story correctly. He didn't know anything about Reiki or how to cope with whatever happened after his initiation. The person gave him the master degree right away. Yes, you can do that, too. But that can be strenuous on the system, so the better (in my opinion) and gentler method is to do the first and second degree, get used to the energies, the practice and all that comes with it, then do the Advanced and Master/Teacher later.

Kim was an experienced Usui Reiki Level II Practitioner for many years. She is highly intuitive and educated in many esoteric and occult subjects. And because she is kind and helpful, I was thrilled when she agreed to be my guinea pig for giving the Master/Teacher initiation online. In fact, I've never really taught before and only given a couple of friends years ago the Level II initiation. They wanted an alternative healing skill to use on their young children, alongside any medical care the children might need.

So on Friday, we had our initiation and the energy we both felt before, during and afterwards was really powerful! This is what Kim posted on that very day:

"I am so full of love and gratitude today. I am so excited to share that, thanks to my dear friend, Tirza Schaefer, I am now a Reiki Master. I am still buzzing from the energy! It was such a beautiful and profound experience, and I can’t wait to share this next level of healing with my family, friends, and clients. Tirza, thank you so much for your wisdom, insight, love, and support. I am forever grateful to you, my friend. To anybody ready to add Reiki training to their journey, I highly recommend Tirza as your guide. Receiving this final attunement from such a pure, loving soul has been a true gift. Thank you!"

Below is the picture of her certificate and I love how happy and proud she is of now being a Reiki Master and able to go on to teach her own students and keep healing so many people.

You can find Kim on Facebook and Instagram.

Kim Eisman in Action!
Kim Eisman in Action!

Kim's Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Certificate
Kim's Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Certificate

My Reiki Journey

It was 2004 when you middle child, my daughter Tarjani was about a year old that I got my Usui Reiki Master degree. I didn't practice much for many years, though, because when I used it on my then small children, my mum-ego got totally in the way. Being worried about a sick child and trying to force the healing energy down your arms and through your hands into them is not very successful. It is much better to be in the zone and have some emotional distance. I wasn't capable of that at the time.

As I didn't get much opportunity to practice my skills back then, apart from an occasional healing on a friend, I very much neglected it until I found more spiritual friends who also loved Reiki. We exchanged, sent healing when someone was sick, and in general talked about it a lot, which motivated me to pick it up again.

I decided to do a refresher course with a dear friend, Leila Hardy, whose aim was for her students to make Reiki their own. And that's what I did. I connected to this beautiful healing energy on a much deeper level and even started to develop my own healing modality from there, which isn't quite finished yet, so I do not yet teach it. However, I use it myself alongside Usui Reiki when giving healings and the feedback has been positive throughout.

In spring next year, I will begin to teach online courses, as well as in-person ones in German. Watch out for special Christmas offers coming in December because I most likely will not offer separate Tarot readings and Reiki sessions anymore, but rather combine them with my own personal brand of Goddess Magick in a package that I personally find makes more sense and has a deeper, longer-lasting effect. After that, simple Tarot or Reiki sessions will only be offered to return customers.

Please note that I do not give Reiki healings in person for the simple reason that it can involve bending, squatting and kneeling, which is painful to me because of my injured knee and back. So unless you're willing to receive with me sitting facing you, as I would do online, I recommend you seek out an alternative practitioner.

I will also be starting a women's spiritual group and give Goddess courses and other events. For this purpose, a new friend has agreed to join forces with me. We will do it together. More on that later, though. But that is also the reason why I have decided to make it all official by calling it now a Center, rather than just going by my own name, Tirza Schaefer, alone. I will keep you posted on all the details, of course, and we'll likely have a separate section in German on my website for that.

I'll keep you posted here, in my Facebook group Tirza's Goddesses and on my YouTube channel.

Anyway, you can read more details about Reiki on my website where you can also book sessions by clicking on the picture below:


Tirza's Tarot Tuesday

his week's reading features Nyx as Goddess of the week. She is the Greek Goddess of the night.

Find out more and watch my weekly Tirza's Tarot Tuesday video below.

To read more about Nyx, click on the image:

Greek Goddess of the Night Nyx
Greek Goddess of the Night Nyx


Past Free Master Class Replay Library


If you enjoy my videos, please consider to like and subscribe to my YouTube channel with the bell on, so you won't miss out on any new content.

Also, you can follow me on Social Media and join my Facebook group for women, Tirza's Goddesses, by clicking the picture below. For my weekly newsletter, go to the top of the page and selected the one(s) you wish to subscribe to.

Lots of love from my heart to yours and see you next week,

Tirza xxx

How Picasso Makes You a Genius by Tirza Schaefer - A permanently free children's ebook
How Picasso Makes You a Genius by Tirza Schaefer - A permanently free children's ebook


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