Hello my beautiful souls!
On Sunday is my birthday. 53 years I've circled the Sun in this body now and it's been quite a ride so far. Doesn't look like it's going to ease up anytime soon. But mostly, I'm loving it! Some of those tower moments can be rather challenging, but it's all good in the larger scheme of things. Where would we be if we didn't have to face any challenges in life? That's the stuff that makes you grow, after all. And once you're through them, the sense of achievement is real, right?
But as my birthday is approaching, I am counting my blessings. I've received some unexpected news and I've been able to book a course that I wanted to do but lacked the funds for because it was put on sale just at the right moment. And then, the special offer price was supposed to have finished but hadn't been changed yet, so I was able to book. How cool is that! I really love my live. It's becoming better and better with each year that passes. So no, I'm definitely not scared of getting old. I never have been. And even though my body isn't as fit as it used to be, my mind is still in my twenties and I have to remind myself at times that I should be doing some adulting more often, lol.
That inner child loves to come out to play. My children (two of them are adults already, the youngest is 17) usually shake their heads at some of my antics. But as they still ask me for advice and share when they need an ear to listen, I think I'm hitting the balance pretty well. Like when I'm dancing in the kitchen and singing along with Tears for Fears, SHOUT, I'm definitely letting it all out. But I also clean, chop veggies and cook at the same time. As cooking is not my greatest passion, dancing and singing definitely makes it a lot more enjoyable!
So that's me at almost 53, giggling with Tyler over a funny Netflix series or hugging and loving her up to make her now, thankfully much less frequent, bouts of anxiety go away. But now to my special gift for YOU in honour of my birthday (I am also publishing a free book on my birthday for the romance lovers, in case you're interested, if so, check out my social media posts on it):
I am giving a FREE 2-hour master class for women who want to embrace their inner divine feminine further. In this master class, held via Zoom, on Wednesday, the 6th of November, from 8 pm to 10 pm German time (7 pm UK, and 2 pm New York), I am going to introduce the Divine Feminine and why I think it is important to work with Goddess archetypes, not only to heal our Divine Feminine within, but also the masculine - inside and out. It will be an interactive class where you're able to ask questions.
I will also guide you through a deep visualisation to meet the Sumerian Goddess Nisaba. Why Nisaba, why not Aphrodite or Sekhmet or Mokosh, you might ask? First of all, I pulled her from my Goddess oracle for this event. But as I meditated on her, it became clear to me.
Nisaba is a loving Mother Goddess, but at the same time, she is also a scribe, a record keeper, and symbolises abundance. You could say, she combines the best of many worlds within her many aspects. She teaches and brings wisdom, she is the dark creative force, the golden light of knowledge and wisdom.
And that is what we do as liberated, empowered women. We teach, we love, we nurture, we share wisdom and knowledge and healing. We tell stories and keep records, written or in our heads. We have not only our own schedule in our heads, but that of our children, our elderly loved ones whom we have to take to their doctor's appointment, etc. And some of us journal, or literally write stories. As do I and I know some of you do, too. What are the stories you tell others? What are the stories you tell yourself? How much do you love, yourself and others?
Nisaba is all that and more. And she has an amazing, powerful, yet gentle energy that is amazing to work with and be inspired by. So if you want to go on a journey to meet this unique, wonderful Goddess, I invite you to sign up for my free master class next week Wednesday. There will be a replay for those who can't make it live, but from past experience, I know how powerful it is to join live and be able to ask questions and share experiences. I'm so looking forward to see you there! Book your place here (you can choose your timezone when booking):
Tirza's Tarot Tuesday
Tirza's Tarot Tuesday is live and this week's reading features Arianrhod as Goddess of the week.
She is the Celtic-Welsh Goddess of stars and cycles.
Find out more and watch my weekly Tirza's Tarot Tuesday video below.
To read more about Arianrhod, click on the image:
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Lots of love from my heart to yours and see you next week,
Tirza xxx