Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Animals have been a source of gaining wisdom and inner power since the times of the cave people, possibly even earlier. To commune with the spirits of animals is, therefore, a long-standing tradition, nearly as old as analytically thinking humanity itself, and carries through to this day and age, not only in indigenous cultures and shamanic practices.
Many people in modern Western civilization who are seeking more spirituality in a mundane, secular and stress-driven world are seeking deeper, more gratifying and fulfilling life experiences and thus, turn to modern and traditional indigenous spiritual teachers and media in order to learn to meditate, manifest and explore their inner world.
Power or Spirit Animals are a wonderful way to observe and to connect with nature and study yourself in relation to it. Here are the animals listed that I write my blogs about. Those that are already published are highlighted in bold font, the others are still to be added.
I have loved animals as far back as I can remember. I played with my "imaginary" animal friend as a child, not knowing at the time what a power animal was. I had vivid dreams and visions throughout my life. I also felt drawn to different animals at different times in my life and when I found out about power or spirit animals, I finally understood why.
Reading up on those animals and then going on shamanic journeys and meditations afforded me the entry point into the world of animals on a spiritual level. The reason I prefer the term power animal to spirit animal is simply because it feels more grounded and manifested to me; more em-power-ing. Some define spirit animals as the one that stays with you throughout life and power animal as those that come to you for a short period of time to guide you through a certain experience or shorter phase in your life. Both approaches are valid.
You are, of course, welcome to use whatever term and definitions you like; power animal, spirit animal, animal guide... Whatever feels most comfortable and aligned for you. The important thing is to have a strong, loving connection and to trust and ask your animal to teach you and share its wisdom with you.
