Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Sarah is an empty-nester whose children are out of the house and all their own lives. She lives in a cold, damp apartment and works a dead-end job. One day she decides that something needs to change and when she reads the job offers in the regional paper, she comes across an ad for a position as housekeeper in a household in Spain.
After sending an email to apply, she ends up speaking to her future boss, Dom, on the phone and before she realises what is really happening, she is looking after a Nazi mum and taking care of the household for three hot-as-hell, ex-special forces, now billionaires, men who don't only share a house but obviously also want to share Sarah.
Sarah has not been lucky in her relationships in the past. She has had her fair share of betrayal, neglect and heartache and cannot really believe that these three exceptional men, one of them even a certified genius, would want her over any other woman in the world until they teach her to view herself through their eyes, while she teaches them what it feels like to be loved and cared about by a woman who knows what it means to carry sole responsibility for other lives and hearts.
But when Nazi mum dies, it is her son who loses his plot and triggers all of Sarah's fears again, destroying the little trust they have been able to establish between them. Has the experiment of being together with three men ended in a disaster for Sarah, just as she feared it would?
The Books's Creation
In the huge entrance hall, Sarah felt dwarfed. The men were a lot taller than her already, but the house looked bigger once you had entered it than it did from the outside. She looked up to the ceiling which was two storeys high. There were paintings, gold stucco and a chandelier that could easily kill all of them, if it dropped on their heads.
“It’s secured with a steel rope,” Dom said gently.
Could the man read her mind? Feeling safer, she admired the beauty of the exquisitely worked craftsmanship.
“It’s very beautiful. I’ve always wanted to live in a historical building. A manor house or something. And now I’m in a palace. I love how you’ve decorated it, too. The glass tables blend in perfectly with the historical style and don’t distract from the splendour,” Sarah told Dom and made him smile proudly.
“Thank you. I’ll just take your bags upstairs and then join you in the lounge,” he said.
Seb took over and, with a gesture of his large hand, invited her to follow him.
“Please try not to look shocked, okay? Dom told you about the scar and tattoos, didn’t he?” he asked quietly.
Sarah nodded and tried to smile in what she hoped was a reassuring manner, then followed the Viking into the lounge. The man’s concern for his friend’s feelings touched her. He hadn’t come across as overly sensitive to begin with, and that was a facet of his character she liked and appreciated.
“Tank, Sarah is here,” Seb announced.
Tank had laid on a couch. Now he sat up, which made him nearly as tall as Sarah who was standing up. When he got to his feet, he towered over her and Sarah was pretty certain, she was on eye level with his solar plexus. She looked up. Her eyes roaming over a powerful chest and up to his face.
He had long, dark brown hair that he’d tied into a man bun on top with the hair underneath falling freely down his shoulders. There was some ink in his face, but only on the ridge of his nose. She had seen photos of Samoan men with tribal tattoos covering their entire face and was surprised that Tank’s ink was relatively sparsely distributed. It spread outwards to just above the brows.
An ugly scar marred his eerily beautiful features, but Sarah found it added to his masculine warrior appeal, rather than taking away from it. She thought, of all three men, Tank probably appealed to her the most visually. Suddenly, she realised, she was staring and blushed.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare, it’s just that you look like you’ve just hopped out of some GQ magazine,” she explained.
Tank’s mouth fell open. “You’re serious!”
It was a statement, not a question, albeit a surprised one. His own observation of her expression had attested to the truth of her words. He looked at Seb who only grinned. In that moment, something crashed upstairs.
“Is that your mum throwing tea cups again?” Sarah asked with a smirk.
“Most likely.” Seb shrugged, trying to look nonchalant.
“Ah, so she’s awake,” Sarah said.
“So it seems,” Tank grumbled.
“I might as well meet her now then,” Sarah said, not one to put off the inevitable.
Besides, she needed an escape from such an overload of testosterone and masculine beauty. She wasn’t sure how much she could take before her brain literally blew a fuse. Having spent years keeping all even slightly attractive men at a distance, this onslaught on her deprived senses felt overpowering.


Reviews for Tank
A sexy, sweet and smoking hot tale for the heart!
'To the women who dare to follow their dreams, take risks and jump into the deep end when they are already older, "cougars" as they are often called.
You are brave, courageous and bold. You deserve to chase your own dreams...'
Tank is a steamy reverse harem romance with a slightly older woman, three little younger hot as hell seals, a light touch of BDSM and a pinch of the Paranormal. And what makes it truly special is that, next to all that sexy steamy stuff it delivers a touching message. It urges women to dare and be brave, to follow their dreams and accept themselves as they are.
Sarah is an empty-nester whose children are out of the house, living their own lives. She lives in a cold, damp apartment and works a dead-end job until one day, when she finally decides that something needs to change and she takes a chance. She applies for a position as housekeeper in a household in Spain. Her main job would be that of taking care of an old lady, which would be an easy task for Sarah, who had cared for elderly people before. But the employer seems a little too desperate for her to accept, and Sarah can't help but wonder if shady stuff is involved. It is a different country after all.
As it turns out, the only shady part is that the old lady 'was quick to anger and had been known to fling teacups at her predecessors', something that made each and every one of them resign.
Since Sarah 'had the patience to deal with a frustrated soul whose mind was still sharp, but whose body was failing her,' she leaves everything behind and takes on the job.
Before she realizes what is really happening, she is looking after a 'Nazi mum' and taking care of the household for three hot-as-hell, ex-special forces, now billionaires. Seb, Dom and Tank don't only share a house, but obviously also want to share Sarah.
Sarah has had her fair share of betrayal, neglect and heartache in past relationships and cannot really believe that these three drop-dead gorgeous, exceptional men, one of them even a certified genius, would want her over any other woman in the world.
She is downright shocked and their reaction isn't helping.
"Why would you be shocked at that? Seb asked.
"W-well, look at you," Sarah said helplessly.
"Yes, and?" Seb asked.
"Well, look at me.... I'm not exactly a Victoria's Secret model, am I?"
"We don't like models, we like real women."
And Sarah can't help but be confused. Because,
'This wasn't some book. Things like that didn't happen in real life. Three drop-dead gorgeous men all masculine, sex-on-a-stick, who had their shit together, of good character, going for someone like her. Real life just didn't work that way. These men, these perfect men, couldn't possibly want someone like her.'
And yet they do. And they manage to prove it. But Sarah had never been able to lead a healthy relationship with one man. How was she going to handle three? Pretty well it turns out. :)
They teach Sarah to view herself through their eyes, while she teaches them what it feels like to be loved and cared about by a woman who knows what it means to carry sole responsibility for other lives and hearts. Sparks fly and heat flares, while love slowly blossoms. Sweet, gentle and caring - every woman's dream.
"Wear your scars with pride. You are a Goddess!"
But 'Nazi mum' dies and her son triggers all of Sarah's fears again, destroying the little trust they have been able to establish between them. Sarah finds herself rejected and humiliated yet again. If her fears will come true or she'll find her happy ever after, I'll that for you to find out. But I bet you won't see those twists coming.
Fast-paced and full of action - not only the between the sheets kind :D - Tank is a wonderful erotic romance with an intriguing paranormal touch and lots of feeling! And it may have the perfect book boyfriend ever in between it's pages.
Oh Tank!!!! (*dreamy sigh*)
If you love a good reverse harem romance that cherishes and revers women, Tank is the perfect pick.
It is truly a sexy, sweet and smoking hot tale for the heart!
"You bring sunshine into people's hearts wherever you go." That's what Sarah was told. And it goes for this little book as well.
Happy reading everyone
and always remember
'You are brave, courageous and bold.'
The Magic Book Corner, International Book Blogger
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With this book, I don't even know where to start. I never thought I could like reverse harem. Well, Tirza Schaefer once again did it. She took all my preconceived ideas and no, didn't throw them away, but wrapped them in a cosy blanket and proceeded to expand them page by page. The story starts innocently enough. Being a companion to a frail old lady is the stuff Austen's contemporaries already wrote about. However, Sarah is different. Of course. How couldn't she be, having originated from the pen of this amazing author who develops in her writing with each year that passes, it seems. This is the first book I am reading of hers that was published this year, 2020, and I am amazed at her progress.
I am also sitting here with red, bleary eyes because I am overtired. And yet, I could not put this book down. I will have to get some sleep in before I start on the BFF Diaries series but it was worth it. I loved the review by the Magic Book Corner on this book and can honestly say, I agree with each one of her points.
However, I would also like to add another point from a man's perspective. I totally loved that Tank told Sarah off for putting herself down and said that it's not an attractive feature and it is an insult to his good taste. I think women expect a man to be their knight in shining armour all the time in real life and we have to somehow be these magicians that can make any wound close, heal any insecurities and transform the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.
Ladies, that's just not real. You have to help and take responsibility for yourself. However, a good man will be there to support you in this every step of the way. But he is the support, not the driving force because that can only come from the inside out, not vice versa. So thank you to the author for letting Tank speak on this matter. It doesn't make him any less heroic, I think.
And by the way, he is written and comes to life, literally jumping off the pages, along with his two best friends Dom and Seb, I dare say, that man is somewhat of an ideal to her personally. Correct me if I'm wrong, Ms Schaefer. I loved this book for so many reasons and to this point, it is my absolute favourite. If you read any book of this author, read this! Can't wait for the sequels of the trilogy to be published!
Tuari Eagleswing, Reader
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Erotic Romance at High Level and High Quality
To say I have wandered a bit from my typical genres would be comparable to travelling to the moon when my destination is the hardware store. Having said that, Tirza Schaefer has the ability to make 50 Shades seem like 5.
I don't do spoilers.
Tank, one of the main male characters, is a beast of a man with the touch of a feather when required. He is one of three who share a Spanish Palacio. The female lead, Sarah, is hired to care for the ageing mother of Seb, who bears more than a passing resemblance to a Viking Warrior.
Dom, owner of the Estate, rounds out the trio.
Sarah finds herself surrounded by three men, any of which she would gladly bed - though she has no confidence in it coming to pass.
Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. Sarah is about to learn this lesson in ways few women can even begin to imagine.
Tank is a work of erotic art which women, and men for that matter, will find difficult to put down. You will also be looking forward to the second chapter in this trilogy. If you need more incentive, my wife "borrowed" my copy to read and was duly impressed, energized and motivated. Thank you, Tirza.😉
Robert Ullrich, Author
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Fantastic Read!
This was a great book. I loved the characters. Dom was dominating but looked out for Sarah's welfare and only took action on her behalf. Tank was the big strong guy who would tell you honestly how he feels and once you have his trust you are gold.
Seb was a little harder to take. He reminds me of a lost, spoiled rich guy looking for love and understanding. His mother the nazi mom is hard to deal with but Sarah sees her real self and brings that knowledge to the others. Sarah's psychic abilities get stronger and bring an added element to the story.
Overall it was a page-turning adventure and a great read. I finished in hours. I couldn't put it down.
Kim Kurtz, Reader
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Oh. My. God! It’s amazing!
Oh. My. God! I honestly don’t know what to say. This book caught me really off guard (positively). Simply put, it’s amazing!
Tylie Huxley, Reader
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You'll love this sexy read.
Sarah is an empty nester who applies for a job as a housekeeper and a companion for a dying woman. What she didn't expect was to find a sexy menage with three hot, compassionate men. You'll love this sexy read!
Lyndsay Whitlock, Author
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What a great read!
Love what the psychic abilities added to the story, and the men just got yummier as they were introduced. In fact, I couldn't help but be a little jealous of Sarah.
Beyond steam heat!
Gina Salamon-Casto, Author & Editor
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Waiting until we meet again, Tank...
I adored this sexy book! It was quite the page-turner, but then again, all of Tirza's novels are! Hot, steamy and relentless... I was so wanting to meet Tank by the end of the book!
SueBeth, Reader
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Perfect book boyfriend? Look no further!
This is the first reverse harem romance novel of Tirza Schaefer's and she aced it. Sarah is a mother with grown children who are all out of the house and she is looking for a brighter happier life, which is why she moves from the UK to Spain. Her three bosses are sexy AF and all three treat her with respect and romance her.
The first of the three, Tank, is a Samoan hulk with a scar on his face that usually puts the ladies off. However, Sarah feels an instant deeper connection with him and he is the first of the three men she shares a bed with. I love that all three men, Tank, Dom and Seb, have distinctly different characters and all have strengths and weaknesses which make them a great team and give the reader always different nuances to look forward to.
There is a lot of action and some scenes had me in stitches as well. I love how Sarah isn't all helpless when faced with terrorists but at the same time, she is still a real person who isn't used to warfare and has her breakdown after the crisis is averted. The description of the symptoms of shock and terror are believable and realistic, as are the parts where Sarah's psychic powers appear. I know a few people with similar gifts, so I find those parts very realistic, too, but they don't dominate the story, just like in real life, everything has its time and place.
Personally, I am particularly in love with Tank for all the reasons Sarah feels drawn to him from the start, although the other two are not far behind at all. Dom is the leader, the one who will take on responsibility naturally. And Seb is the happy-go-lucky with a warrior smouldering underneath. I love this book and can see myself re-reading it time and again!
Sekhmet, Reader
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Being in my 40's I often find myself reading about not just new love, but young love. Or reading romances where initial lust is mistaken for love. So when I open up a novel and find my age group represented and living life well, I am 100% happy.
And having been a housekeeper who dealt with handsy old men instead of young, tight, and tan billionaires. YES, I'm a tad jealous. Sarah... oh, Sarah, how do you have the time??? Though this is a Reverse Harem with plenty of juice dripping off the people and pages, it is also about empowerment and living that second act of your life without answering to anyone.
Natalie Freese, Reader
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Easy & beautiful, flowing language, believable characters, and lots of steamy scenes! One woman and three gorgeous men, each with a past and layers of personality. I really enjoyed this book. I read it fast and shall read more from this author: Tirza Schaefer
Rebecka Jäger, Author
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Enjoyable read, loving the older heroine.
This is my first read of Tirza Schaefer and I’m sure it won’t be the last, reverse harem not being my normal read. I have to admit to liking the way Tirza wrote for the older woman, we often get missed. And enjoyed the way the story evolved and the dynamics between all the characters. Enjoyable read.
Josephine Wrightson, Author
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Hello lover...
Hot and steamy, Tirza dives right into it in another hot and heavy love story.
Jillian Bondarchuk, Author
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Must read
Here we are again, yet another book read and another satisfied customer.
I give Tank a full 5 stars and here's why...
I started this book, not sure what to expect as a new reader with Tirza. I loved the progression of the whole story. I was hanging on each word, amid interruptions from my kids and hubby, I mean how rude, I'm reading here, lol, but seriously, this book held me captive until I finished it this morning. I recommend this book to anyone who likes RH (reverse harem) books and Navy Seals...
Linda Marie Pankow, Author
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So Loved this story!
When Sarah completely changed her life by moving to Spain, to care for an elderly lady, at a mansion shared by the lady's special forces son Seb and his friends/comrades, Dom and Tank; she's faced with many challenges and temptations!! Another wonderful passionate loving tale about Love in its many facets from Tirza Schaefer!
Can't wait to read the next in this great series! Many thanks!
Wendy, Reader
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Adventure, Hot Scenes & Touching Moments
This was my first book by Tirza Schaefer & I will need to look into more of hers! This is a great book. It is book 1 of a series that revolves around the same 4 individuals in this relationship, but it doesn’t end on a cliffhanger. I appreciate this right now as I have read a ton of cliffies lately.
I also really love how this book has an older cast of characters & is a reverse age gap, so the female is older than her three men. This book has adventure, some very hot scenes & touching moments.
Definitely a book to check out!
Traci Bookstagram, Book Blogger
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Three gorgeous men and one lucky lady!
Well, this set-up is a LOT of greedy womens’ fantasy. You have three guys, the dark one (Dom – yes, really) who is urbane, suave, dominating yet kind and a beast in bed. The blond one (Seb) who has Viking vibes and struggles with his feelings but he’s kind and wonderful, and a beast in bed. And you have the muscled, tribal tattooed one (Tank) who is a member of Mensa, spiritually enlightened and a beast in bed.
And why the hell not? Sarah takes them all like a champ, but it isn’t really about that. The sex is good, yes, and tender and sweet. The way they treat her is incredible. These guys are ALL about respect, boundaries, putting her needs above their own. They are the kind of role models we wish a lot of men in real life had but sadly don’t.
This is an all-round entertaining story, with a middle-aged heroine to identify with and three absolutely drop dead gorgeous guys, each with their own story. This book is Tank’s, but I didn’t get the feeling it was focused solely on him. I would have liked to have known a bit more, but introducing the set-up, and Sarah’s way of winning round the frosty and entitled Pearl, was lovely.
I never really knew where this story was going to go. There’s a LOT in these pages, touching on the mystic, the exciting, the gory (when Sarah has to kill in order to survive.) There’s grief and a man in crisis. There’s so much, I kind of had to take breaks between reading, just to digest it all.
But don’t be put off by that. The author has a warm and steadfast writing style which steers the complexities of the story deftly and never leaves the characters stranded.
In the end, it is a passionate tale of one woman who is loved by three men, who are all willing to share her and give her pleasure, support her and each other. They are a big, complicated, sexy family and I loved it.
Jayne Lockwood, a.k.a. Lady Jaguar, Author
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Refreshing & Steamy!
As my first read by Tirza Schaefer, I was instantly caught in this story. Sarah was a kind, passionate, strong character who stood her ground amidst a new job where her bosses (Tank, Dom, and Seb) were not only serious eye-candy but three men/roommates who wanted to share her intimately. Being that Sarah was hired first and foremost to tend to Seb's ailing mother, she took her time to get to know them as she did her job while battling her own self-consciousness thoughts as women often do.
I found this book refreshing and the bedroom antics were steamy, but not overdone. There were twists and turns, things I didn't expect, and moments of heartfelt truth. If you enjoy a little dominance and a story packed with a mixture of heat, emotion, and surprise, that'll keep you on your toes then this book is for you.
R&C Christiansen, Author
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A Little Naughty Page Chaser!!!
The Reverse Harem - a wild change of pace! Creative Fun, a little naughty page chaser!!!
Denise-Marie, FairyTale Access TV
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I'm in love with a fictional character. Or three.
I'm in love with a fictional character. Or three. I can't believe how much they got under my skin. Tank, the genius silent one, Dom, who takes care of everything and everyone, and Seb, the super warrior. They're all ex-military special forces and lethal. But with Sarah, they are the sweetest, most caring and adoring men you could wish for in the world!
It's such an empowering story of a woman who isn't young anymore, time and children have formed her figure and she has her hangups. Her self-image and her failure at ever having a decent, healthy relationship with a man. And yet, there are three with whom she falls in love because they are not only hot AF but also really great in character.
It's a story of healing and slowly going deeper into emotional connection. And the characters are wonderful. Like the supporting cast, Henri, the French chef for whom everything is food. Or food is everything? "No crunchy honey in my kitchen!" I was laughing tears! And then there is Pearl, a.k.a. Nazi mum who is racist, homophobic and yet, she makes you laugh and feel with her. And in the end, just before she dies, she makes amends and finally understands that she had a few things terribly wrong. It makes you realise that it's never too late to change.
There are a lot of action scenes, a lot of twists that you don't see coming and it keeps you engaged until the end. What I also loved was the way the author writes about psychic abilities and experiences like they are part of normal life. For some people, they probably are. And that made it so easy to read and understand, even if you're unfamiliar with the topic.
Also, I liked how supportive, loving and patient the men are. Especially Dom, who has quite the kinky side and yet, he holds it back because he feels Sarah isn't ready for it yet. It's amazing how caring and responsible he is. And Tank? Swoon! The usually more silent type gets more verbal around Sarah but he doesn't waste his words, either. When he speaks, his words carry weight. He has this ethnic spirituality thing going that is really cool and interesting. I hope to learn a bit more in the coming books of the trilogy. And oh, yes, this is a trilogy but you can totally read Tank as a standalone. The story finishes nicely and has no cliffhanger or open end.
I absolutely loved this book and will probably read it again, too. It's definitely on my list of favourites!
Bellamy Montgomery, Reader
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Oh. My. God! I honestly don’t know what to say. This book caught me really off guard (positively). Simply put, it’s amazing!
Tylie, Reader
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Fun, lighthearted, smokin' hot quick read
A fun, light and enjoyable read with a bit more meat on it than pure entertainment value. There's some food for thought quite nicely woven into this story, which is also racy with some great sex scenes; and what a fun plot! It's well thought out, engaging and something other than sex actually happens, which is a very nice change from a lot of the books in the genre. The sex is a natural progression of the unfolding storyline, not the be-all-end-all of the book.
The characters are also intriguing and I look forward to finding out how this rather complex and at times amusing relationship will develop.
Astrid, Reader
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😍Just finished reading Tank by Tirza Schaefer, the second of its kind in my life, again it was a different type of journey for me. I am not much of a Romantic, and am totally biased towards powerful women with a heart. That's exactly what this book gave me in Sarah. Sarah was intelligent, kind, caring, soft, yet firm, decided and goal oriented. I totally loved her. Even when fate threw her in the front lines, literally, having to kill too, she soared above it all with grace.
Navy Seals are intimidating in their comfort zone, yet with her, they bowed and had to conform and impress. It's not only her handling of Seb, Dom, Tank and Henri that impressed me. Her handling of Pearl was just human and beautiful. Pearl reminded me of my Nana... She was sharp with her tongue and had a lot of bitterness to give, but would calm and turn mushy with some people. Sarah was Pearl's whisperer, she was a whisperer to all of them.
Tank especially, him being the hardcore serious type made it more a challenge. But, like the strong females Tirza brings to life, Sarah showed beauty through it all, even softening Tank and bringing smile to his face. This was another unique read for me. The army setup and the scenes made the drama the more intruiging for me.
Again, another celebration of womanhood and the strength of it. Well done.... Once again Tirza Schaefer ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sweet, Reader