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Usui Reiki Course

Do you want to learn a gentle, yet powerful healing modality that you can take with you everywhere you go, not props required? One that you can safely use on babies, pets, sick and frail - everyone, really.


If the answer is HELL, YEAH!, then you have come to the right place.


Usui Reiki is the original form of Reiki and all other Reiki modalities that came later (including Tirza's own Goddess Reiki) and best learned first. Often, the requirement for other forms of Reiki is that you have at least a practitioner level in Usui, if not a master level, in order to move on to the others and add them to your tool kit.


Usui Reiki is great to relax and heal yourself and others. If you're a mother, you can use it on your babies. It is so safe that you can actually attune babies into Reiki Level 1. Tirza had her Reiki Master initiate her own children as babies and they are all three grown now with no adverse effects suffered! In fact, children feel confident and empowered when they can do something for someone else as well, and they are naturally finely attuned to higher frequency energies, thus making it the best age to start them on a journey of self-awareness, energy work and a whole-istic worldview.




Usui Reiki was founded in the last century (early 1920s) by Dr Mikao Usui and is a gentle, safe and relaxing energy healing modality that promotes healing on all levels. (click on the name to read more about the history and origin).


Tirza was initiated as a Reiki practitioner, Levels 1 and 2 in London, UK, in 2003, and a year later into the Master/Teacher Level. As a single mother with three young children, she didn't heal professionally, but in 2017, she did another course to refresh and deepen her knowledge. Rather than lasting one weekend, this course ran over several weeks and helped her to really make Reiki her own. She even developed Goddess Reiki as a result of it and will be teaching it in the future also. (You will be required to have an Usui Reiki Master Level for this.)


Seeing the value and great results of this prolonged course with Reiki Master Leila Hardy (UK), she decided when creating her teaching courses, to also teach in a similar container to ensure best results for her students and equip them with a deep understanding and close, uniquely personal connection to this amazing healing modality.


Main Reiki organisations in many countries require members to commit to not attuning students online, the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) being the best known world-wide. And although in-person training is usually the best way to learn, this is not accessible to everyone for various reasons (location, preferred teacher, course content and structure, etc.) Therefore, Tirza is not a member of any Reiki organisation internationally or in Germany.


The official recommendation is not to distant-attune students as the energies are diluted then, by their definition. This is what Tirza has to say on the subject, arguing her reasons for doing in-person and distant attunements alike. (And it's not about the money!) This is her personal journey with Reiki and her reasons for teaching the way she does now:​​



The course outlines for both the beginner and master level courses are listed below, together with the button at the end to book your slot.


(Please note, the dates are not set in stone yet, and we will agree together with Tirza's students on the best days and times together, we just had to enter something in the booking calendar.)​​


You can also download the course outlines as PDFs to study at your leisure.


If you prefer a payment plan or have any further questions, please contact Tirza about it directly, either on social media, if you're linked there, or via email:​


Reiki Level 1 & 2 Course Outline


To come...


Reiki Master Teacher (Level 3a & 3) Course Outline


Week 1

Teaching (Zoom Call): Reiki & the Importance of Ethics, Responsibilities, Boundaries & Contracts, Insurance & Licenses


Week 2

Teaching (Zoom Call): New Clients, Admin, Before & After Care for Healing Clients

  • PDF: New Client Forms

  • PDF: Client Forms for Healing Session Notes & Feedback


Week 3

Teaching (Zoom Call): Reiki for Self-Healing & Rainbow Reiki

  • PDF: Colours, Chakras, Correspondences & Application of Rainbow Reiki

  • PDF: The Reiki Symbols

  • Homework: Practice drawing them & memorise!!!


Week 4

Teaching (Zoom Call): Teaching Levels 1 & 2

  • PDF: Structure & Details

  • PDF: Hand Positions


Week 5

Teaching (Zoom Call): Level 3a & 3

  • PDF: Structure & Details


Week 6

Zoom Call: Q&A

  • (PDF if anything comes up that needs clarification/written notes)


Week 7

Zoom Call: Reiki Meditation & Energy Imprint

  • MP3 Recording of the Meditation & Imprint

  • Homework: Creative Exercise, post picture in the course area


Week 8

Teaching (Zoom Call): Healing Attunement

  • When to give a healing attunement

  • Going through the steps

  • PDF: The Healing Attunement

  • Homework: Practice!!!


Week 9

Reiki Practitioner Attunement (Levels 1 & 2)

  • PDF: Attunements for Level 1 & 2

  • Homework: Practice!!!


Week 10

Reiki Master/Teacher Attunement (Levels 3a & 3)

  • PDF: Attunements for Level 3a & 3

  • Homework: practice!!!

  • Homework: send any questions to me, so we can discuss them during the call


Week 11

Zoom Call: Q&A

  • (PDF if anything comes up that needs clarification/written notes)

  • PDF: How to Prepare for Your Master/Teacher Attunement

  • Homework: prepare yourself!!!


Week 12

Individual Attunement for Students (Zoom Call Before & After)

  • PDF/Pics: Certificates


Week 13

Zoom Call: Celebration Hangout, Sharing Experiences

  • Email: link to anonymous feedback-form about the course


Download the course outline as PDF:



Secure your spot now, there are only a limited number of places available. If you need a payment plan, please contact Tirza on social media or via email directly to set it up.


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