Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Power or Spirit Animals have their very own way of teaching and guiding you, or just spending time together. They are a wonderful source to connect to nature and the animal kingdom. They can also guide you to the Lower World to work on the deeper parts of your psyche, your instincts and intuition. Check out more Power Animals here.
Speed, clear sight, sun, sickle moon, war, royalty, wisdom, knowledge, messenger, hunt, precision, focus
Slicing like a Sickle
The falcon is a raptor, a bird of prey, like eagles, hawks and owls, and the fighter jet amongst his kind. He is built for speed and slays his prey in the air by hitting it with the elongated middle part of his feet, knocking it out. The talons then grip it tight, so it won’t get away again. The word falcon is rooted in Latin, falco and means sickle-shaped, which refers to the shape of the falcon’s wings.
These wings are designed to slash through the air and create speed, thus symbolizing thought that is as sharp and ruthless in its focus as the slice of a sickle, bringing in the harvest and leaving the chaff. In this way, Falcon represents the honing in and focusing on the essence of a matter, disregarding everything that obscures it.
The falcon is also closely linked with the Ancient Egyptian God Horus, the solar God of the sky, focus, war and hunt. His eye is symbolic of the all-seeing, the third eye, situated in the middle of the forehead. In mythology, Horus fought many battles with his evil uncle Set before winning the war and liberating and uniting Upper and Lower Egypt.
The Fighter Jet of Raptors
The falcon is renowned for being the fastest animal on earth. A dive from upwards of 3,000 feet up can pick up a speed of up to 238 mph and is a free fall harnessing the earth’s gravity to do so. Falcon breaks its dive and doesn’t hit the ground, thus avoiding with exacting precision to smash himself to pieces. At such a speed and closeness to the ground, having to judge his manoeuvres by the millimetre, this feat and skill are beyond impressive.
When Falcon appears in your life, it means you are experiencing an acceleration in life events beyond what you may think is humanly possible, but Falcon guides you to handle this and weather the fall safely. You may feel close to panicking as you find yourself in figurate freefall at the speed of events in your life, inner and outer, but trust, even though it may be difficult to believe at the time, that all will be well and you will not end a splutter of mesh on the ground, figuratively speaking, as long as you focus on navigating safely through all challenges.
When a falcon hunts mammals or insects on the ground, it has to do a lot of sharp turns and these can be done at breakneck speed as well, of up to 67 mph. If you have a heart problem, Falcon is definitely not your animal guide. These manoeuvres don’t only take skill, but a lot of nerve. You can’t watch the scenery passing by. You have to have a laser-sharp focus – or risk crashing. This flight is intense and so is this time in your life.
A flock of falcons seen in the sky together seems chaotic, but their flight is, in fact, coordinated and thus teaches us about the whirlwinds and storms in life, weathering the chaos through focus, intent and skill. It is a highly intense time and you do well to keep Falcon’s symbolic teachings in mind when you deal with events of that magnitude, so you can bring order into the chaos and emerge alive, triumphant and unscathed.
Freya (Norse)
Nephthys (Egyptian)
Isis (Egyptian)
Hathor (Egyptian)
Circe (Greek)
Athena (Greek)
The Morrigan (Irish-Celtic)
Frigg (Norse)
Horus (Egyptian)
Osiris (Egyptian)
Set (Egyptian)
Ra (Egyptian)
Birdman (Missisipian Native American)
Seker (Egyptian)
Montu (Egyptian)
Qebehsenuef (Egyptian)
Apollo (Greek)
Anthus (Greek)
Hermes (Greek)
Odin (Norse)
Hermod (Norse)
Eye of Horus (Egyptian)