Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Power or Spirit Animals have their very own way of teaching and guiding you, or just spending time together. They are a wonderful source to connect to nature and the animal kingdom. They can also guide you to the Lower World to work on the deeper parts of your psyche, your instincts and intuition. Check out more Power Animals here.
Lizard symbolises the power of dreams. Lizard? Huh? This wily, wiggly animal is supposed to have anything to do with dreaming, you might ask? Let me convince you that exactly this is the case. All you need is an open mind, a bit of magic and – a dream!
Lizard loves to bask in the sun for hours. He will not move and seems as if he were sleeping. And that is what he brings us as his message. Lizard tells us to pay attention to our dreams and reflect upon them. Go within, meditate and look deep into your psyche. What do your dreams tell you? If you don’t remember your dreams, keep a notebook beside your bed and write down a few words about your dream first thing upon waking up.
You may also want to research lucid dreaming. It is a very helpful technique to connect to your subconscious. And don’t discard this out of hand because your subconscious may hold the answers to challenges you encounter in your life right now, or the questions you have that remain unanswered, which your waking analytical mind cannot yet fathom. The answer lies in your dreams. Get familiar with them, reflect upon them to understand their message. Your subconscious holds valuable information for you.
The Power of Stillness
Lizard teaches us to find healing and new, as yet untapped powers in the stillness. Deep within you, there is a potential you don’t yet know the half of. When you remain in stillness, you can access that inner sun that is your Source and find that which is still waiting within you to come to the surface. Now is a time of discovery and renewal.
Think of the tree that sheds its leaves, poised in stillness, seemingly stagnant; and yet, it prepares itself for the new spring, new leaves and blossoms, new life. When you shed the old that no longer serves you like Lizard sheds his tail, you make room for new discoveries, new insights and new growth (like Lizard regrows his tail). But first, you must make room for that to come, so you are free from any encumbrances.
The freer you are in your mind and life, the easier it will be to connect to your subconscious with the power of your own source energy and learn from the lessons Lizard holds for you in your dreams. Use this time to slow the pace of your life and do dream work. Also, meditate in the dark with candles, especially those of golden and beige hues and shades of red. See what your dreams tell you.
This is also a time to be sensitive about your own needs. Tread lightly and be gentle with yourself. Now is not the time to push too hard, but to give life some space and time to catch up to you. Slow down the busy, because you might miss some wonderful chances if you rush right past them like a steam engine. If you need support in this, connect with the spirit of Lizard and he will assist you.